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4.6. Adding a weblog

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A ‘weblog’ or ‘blog’ is a kind of online journal.  Rather than creating many short individual files, a weblog can contain them all in one file.  Images, links, text and many other types of content can be stored in your weblog.


To create a weblog, click on the add item menu on the Plone bar and choose weblog.  


Adding images


Enter a title for your weblog and a brief description of what it is about.  This text will be displayed at the top of the page before any weblog entries.


 Click the save button to create your weblog.  By default your weblog is created with one topic called General.  Topics can be used to organize your content into different categories.  Otherwise your entries will be listed under General.  You must have at least one topic in your weblog in order for it to work.


To create an entry in your weblog, click on the link for your weblog, and choose weblog entry from the add item menu on the Plone bar.



Fill in the metadata information for this weblog entry.


Metadata field



A brief title for this entry


If your entry is long, you might want a short description here.

Entry text

The content of your entry, can include images and links


If you have more than 1 topic defined for the weblog it will appear here.


If you want to send a trackback ping to another blog, enter the trackback url here


Info about Trackbacks
Trackbacks allow sites to communicate with each other about related resources.  For example, if blogger1 wants to notify blogger2 that he’s written something noteworthy, he would send a trackback ping to blogger2. | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024