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5.2. Searching for Content

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Plone contains a search engine called LiveSearch which can quickly execute a full text search of all documents.  Enter a text string in the search box, and Plone will search for all content which includes that string in either the metadata or the text of the document.





LiveSearch dynamically changes the results of your search as your type in the search box.  The results of the search can be modified by using the techniques below.


GlobbingUse an asterisk to signify any letters
Must not be the first letter of the word
Example: rea* = really, reality
Single WildcardsUse a ? to signify a single letter Must not be the first letter of the word
Example: ta?k = task
AndUse and to search for two terms
Must find both words to return results
Example: biology and whale
OrUse or to search for either term Example: ship or boat
And NotWhere one term is present but not another
Example: fish and not trout

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