Davies Reef Sensor Network Microwave Data Link
A microwave link will provide the high speed data "pipe" between the sensor network at Davies Reef and the mainland. This will be done via a novel method of using the phenomenon of an "evaporation duct" just above the ocean's surface to trap the signal and allow it to propagate past the optical horizon.
The microwave link being used will provide the data communications between the sensor network at Davies Reef and the mainland. The system will implement a novel method of transmission between the two sites, where the microwave signal is sent through the "evaporation duct" just above the ocean's surface to trap the signal and allow it to propagate past the optical horizon.
This paper (ReefGrid - A Communication Network on the Great Barrier Reef), submitted at the Oceans 2006 IEEE Conference describes the theory and techniques used for this application.
System Details
The microwave system being used for this inital deployment is an emSolutions EtherMux 20M, operating in the 10.5GHz range.