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Davies Reef Images and Files

Images related to the Daavies Reef Sensor Network
HOMER data file - Full Optimization
Final optimization file for the power supply at Davies Reef Sensor Network. To use this file you will need the HOMER software package available from This data file was used to determine the best combination of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries given a range of input parameters.
HOMER data file - Final Design
Final optimization file for the power supply at Davies Reef Sensor Network. To use this file you will need the HOMER software package available from This data file was used to examine the behaviour of the final power system design given a range of input parameters.
Power System Circuit Diagram
PDF of version of as-built Power System Circuit Diagram
PL40 Solar Controller Manual
Manual for the solar charge controller we are using in the power supply on Davies Reef.
Air X Marine Manual
Manual for the Air-X marine wind turbine that will be part of the power supply at Davies Reef
Solar Panel Brochure
Brochure for the Sharp 123W solar panels going to Davies Reef
6FM100 Battery Manual
Info on the Vision 6FM100 Batteries going to Davies Reef
Davies Reef Air Photo (tiff)
A tiff image of Davies Reef from the air - geopositioned
Equipment Arrangements
General arrangement of equipment on the Davies Reef Weather Station.
Weather Station Levels
An elevation view of the Davies Reef Weather Station showing water levels etc. The Sensor Network equipment will be on the third level from the top (~7700RL).
Main Enclosure Layout
Design layout for main enclosure for Sensor Network.
Main Enclosure Power Circuit
Circuit Diagram of the power circuit in the main enclosure. PDF Format. | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024