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3.1. What is a workflow and why do I need one?

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Workflows and document publishing

A workflow is a process that your document passes through before it becomes available to others via Plone. This process ensures that content posted on Plone meets standards for access control, security and intellectual property requirements. 

When an item is first created, its state is visible.  If the document must be reviewed by a second-party before it is published, then that person(s) is part of the workflow.  At each point in the workflow your document will have a different state.  These states are listed below.





  • All users can find visible content by using the search function, however this content will not appear in the navigation tree (left menu). 
  • Visible content is editable by their owners and site managers


  • This content has been submitted for review through workflow and is awaiting a decision
  • It can be accessed in the same way as other visible content


  • These items are available to all site visitors
  • They appear in the navigation tree, and are accessible through search


  • These items are only visible and editable by their owners and site managers with administration access.
  • This content does not appear in the navigation tree or in search results
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