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3.6. Sharing a document

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Currently the only way to share a document in Plone is to grant ownership of your document to the other person(s).  To do this:


  1. Set the state of the document to Private

  2. Click the sharing tab on the Plone bar

  3. The sharing page has 4 sections:
    1. Current sharing permissions
    2. Add sharing permissions to users
    3. Add sharing permissions to groups
    4. Change ownership of this page

  4. Scroll down to the section "Add sharing permissions to users"

    In this section you specify the user to whom you would like to grant ownership of the page.
    Enter their user name in the Search Term field and click the "perform search" button.

  5. You should now see the screen below.


    Select Owner from the Role to assign drop-down list and click the "assign local role to related user(s)" button. | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024