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1.5. Setting up your folder preferences

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Setting up your folder and preferences

Each person with an account on Plone has their own folder.  Your content will be stored there, and you can create other sub-folders to organize your data. 

 Personal bar

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  1. To access your folder, click the my folder link on the personal toolbar.
  2. To edit your preferences, click the preferences link on the personal bar
  3. If you click Personal Preferences you will be taken to a page where you can set individual values for your folder.  These are stored on the Plone server, and will be available regardless of the machine that you use to login.
  4. For example, at the bottom of the page you can choose the photo to appear on your profile page.  Just click the browse button, and select the correct image file.
  5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.


You can set your preferences for all of the items listed below:




Full Name

This is automatically filled in by Plone based on your login


Same as above


Not required, but is useful information


By default Plone is language neutral


A short description of who you are

Home page

The url for an external home page

Content editor

The default is the Plone content editor

Enable external editing

Allow editing of pages with external web editor, you must check with the Plone Admin to see if this is enabled

Listed in searches

Defaults to checked so that your name will appear in member searches of Plone


Allows you to upload a picture of yourself, ideally the photo should be 75 x 100 pixels (between 5-7 cm), the system will resize the image to make it fit

Delete portrait

Allows you to delete the photo used in Portrait | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024