DART Workpackages
The DART project will deliver, as proof of concepts, a wide range of benefits for the Australian research
community and for users of research outputs.
The Data Collection, Monitoring and Quality (DMQ) Assurance work packages will:
- Connect instruments and sensors effectively to the network (DMQ1)
- Ensure effective and reliable connection of selected instruments and sensors to storage repositories (DMQ2)
- Ensure that data from instruments and sensors is of sufficient quality to warrant curation (DMQ3)
- Provide online, remote access to pilot working instruments/sensors (DMQ4)
- Improve the intelligence of the storage framework (DMQ5)
The Storage and Interoperability (SI) work packages will:
- Facilitate distributed data management using Fedora (SI1)
- Investigate the appropriateness of SRB for dataset management and improve interoperability between Storage Resource Broker (SRB) based environments and Fedora repositories (SI2)
- Support richer descriptive and preservation metadata for dataset objects to enable more effective discovery (SI3)
- Provide a secure service for transferring data from sensors/instruments to repositories using Grid security (SI4)
- Develop an abstraction layer that supports a range of data replication systems (SI5)
- Allow simulation data to be retrieved from repositories or regenerated dynamically using computational services (SI6)
- Develop a cost-effective data pre-processing system for the secondary storage (SI7)
- Pilot long-distance high speed and secure data transfer between repositories (SI8)
- Scope and pilot storage infrastructure requirements (SI9)
The Content and Rights (CR) work packages will:
- Move data from personal data stores to secure trusted alternatives (CR1)
- Reduce barriers to content acquisition by providing more rights-assignment options for non-science researchers (CR2)
- Reduce barriers to content acquisition by providing more rights options for science researchers (CR3)
- Improve information management practice in research communities (CR4)
- Make it as easy as possible for researchers to deposit datasets and other digital objects into institutional repositories (CR5)
- Improve content deposit rates by clarifying legal issues around IP, information security and privacy (CR6)
The Annotation and Assessment (AA) work packages will:
- Allow researchers to annotate each other’s works (including datasets) (AA1)
- Improve rates of annotation by allowing end-user control over who can annotate what and who can access the annotations (AA2)
- Help collaborative annotation services contribute to the life and productivity of research communities (AA3)
- Foster emerging wiki-based collaborative work practices in research teams (AA4)
The Discovery and Access (DA) work packages will:
- Improve repository deposit rates, sharing and reuse by allowing end-user control over who can access what (DA1)
- Improve repository deposit rates, sharing and re-use by improving discoverability (DA2)
- Reduce wasted effort in creating metadata schemas and improve interoperability of metadata schemas (DA3)