Kepler SRB Actors
Category: Kepler Actors
Other products by this author
Dart built SRB actors for kepler
Current release
No stable release available yet.
If you are interested in getting the source code of this project, you can get it from the code repository.
Experimental releases
There are no experimental releases available at the moment.
Project Description
- Project resources
These actors contain access to SRB from within kepler.
Even thought there are already SRB actors packaged with kepler, those actors did not function in the way required for the DART workflows, thus they were re-written.
The Following actors have been written:
- SRB Server
Provides connections to SRB servers for other SRB actors to use. - SRB File Reader
Reads in a file from an SRB server as a unsigned byte array - SRB Add Metadata
Provides a mechanism for adding metadata to files on an SRB server - Sput
Uploads a file from the local filesystem to the SRB server - Smv
Moves a file from one location on the SRB server to another - SRB Directory Poller
Watches a directory on the SRB file for new and modified files (see Directory Poller)