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Canberra Presentation CIMA
MPEG movie of X-ray data collection (from CIMA)
This is an mpeg movie which is a concatenation of the images and sensor data from a CIMA mediated X-ray data collection. This has potential as an education tool as well as an ideal way to review experiments. We will use (in the first instance) sannotate to add annotations to these images via PGL (thanks Nigel Sim!)
DART and ARCHER Presentations
DART Presentation to NLA Innovative Ideas Forum
This is the presentation Andrew Treloar gave to this forum. I have not uploaded the demos as well.
April-AA4-Foster Wiki Based Practices
A presentation given to DART at the workshop in April
April-DMQ5-Framework Intelligence
April-AA2-Secure Annotations
April-DMQ4-Instruments & Sensors for online remote access
Presentation given by Sai Sun from the University of Queensland group at the Infrastructure workshop held in Melbourne.
Presentation on CR1 April 12
April-SI1-Fedora/SRB Data Management
Slide presentation by Mohamed Rafi Mohamed Feroze of UQ at the Middleware Workshop in Brisbane.
April-SI3-Sematic Search for SRB
Presentation made by Stephen Jeffrey of UQ at the Middleware Workshop in Brisbane.
April-AA3-Collaborative Annotations
Demonstration of an annotation tool (Vannotea) presented by Ronald Schroeter of UQ at the Middleware Workshop in Brisbane.
April-AA1-Individual Annotations
Presentation made by Michael Henderson of UQ at the Middleware Workshop in Brisbane.
April-DMQ3-Ensure that data from instruments and sensors is of sufficient quality
April-SI8-Pilot long-distance data transfer between the Repositories
April-DA3-Metadata Registry
Presentation made by Suzanne Little of UQ at the Middleware Workshop held in Brisbane.
GridddLeS Grid Enabling Legacy Software
DDoS Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
A recent paper authored by DART personnel has been accepted at the prestigious IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06)

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Publications | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024