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Matlab actor working

My MatlabExpression actor is working.
There may still me problems with the input and output, but it needs to go through more rigerous testing before I can figure out if there are problems.

One problem with it is that the output doesn't show the commands that were entered into matlab.
for example, where it should show:
>> 2 + 2
ans =
it only shows
ans =

but this shouldn't be a problem yet, it's only needed for debugging purposes

For the moment this actor needs a working copy of Matlab installed on the local machine.
Mat has mentioned to me the existance of a networked version of matlab which allows users to talk to a matlab server over internet protocols. This may be a much better option for doing matlab stuff in kepler, and i'll look into it.
Posted by TristanKing on 2006-03-17 15:53


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