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Labjack data stream in kepler

I've written a little proof of concept scenario for retreiving data from the labjack and getting it into kepler.

Since on the CIMA box the Labjack just outputs data to a file, i've simply written a small server program which reads that file and sends the data to any clients connected to the server (e.g. a telnet client or a kepler actor).

I then wrote a kepler actor to connect to this server and get the data, process it (which comtains humidity values i think) and outputs results to a graph.

I haven't been able to test this with realtime data yet, I just have my server reading a static file on my local machine. Mat wasn't willing to install java and allow me to place my server app on the CIMA box, so I'll have to wait till he has set up another box with a LabJack.

We have also come across a Java API for reading data from the LabJack, if it works really well it'll remove the need to have the server program read from a file and simply read from the LabJack itself.

Posted by TristanKing on 2006-02-24 15:36


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