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quality assurance and srb

New SRB actors have been written to work with my workflow, and i've had success with running files through a quality assurance test and writing only the files that pass the test to srb.

SPut and Sinit (previously SRBConnect) have been written and work together.
Also wrote a modified BooleanMultiplexor actor, because the one that comes with ptolemy only works if there are tokens on all the ports, where i needed it to still fire if there was only a token on the port which would be passed through.

Bugs: need to put in idiot tests (make sure all exceptions are caught and all required inputs are available)
there is also the possibility that my code has fatal flaws that will cripple the actors in the future. Will address that when it comes

Posted by TristanKing on 2006-02-13 17:30


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