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Quality assurance with kepler, proof of concept

Here's the basis of my Quality Assurance test with kepler:

Built a program that creates random data files containing letters of the alphabet.
Quality Assurance is to make sure the data files don't contain any characters which are not part of the alphabet.

I've written 3 actors for this:
Directory Poller: watches a directory and outputs a list of any newly ariving files.
Binary File Reader: kepler's current binary file reading actor did not play nice with numerous iterations of the workflow, so I've written one that does.
Quality Assurance usecase: preforms the quality assurance tasks on the binary data stream from the Binary File Reader actor.

It now works at a "proof of concept" level.

Few bugs to work out:
* Directory Poller sometimes outputs a file twice.
* the workflow sometimes gets stuck somewhere (only noticed when passing files that fail the quality assurance test)

Next step:
Write files that pass the QA test to SRB

the bug where a file sometimes shows up twice is caused when the function to check for new/modified files runs twice while the file is being created/written to

the getting stuck bug is caused by the file being read containing no data. not sure why things get stuck yet, may have something to do with the QA actor
Posted by TristanKing on 2006-02-08 16:48


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