kepler and eclipse
problems with building kepler in eclipse
Errors and workarounds for Setting up Ptolemy II:
- Project ptII is missing required library: 'ptolemy/domains/ptinyos/lib/nesc-dump.jar'
- Properties for ptII -> Java Build Path -> Source -> ptII -> Excluded -> Edit:
- Exclusion patterns -> Add: ptolemy/domains/ptinyos/
- Properties for ptII -> Java Build Path -> Libraries:
- Remove nesc-dump.jar
- The method _createGraphPane(NamedObj) in the type ActorGraphFrame is not applicable for the arguments ()
- Properties for ptII -> Java Build Path -> Source -> ptII -> Excluded -> Edit:
- Exclusion patterns -> Add: jni/
Errors and workarounds for Setting up Kepler:
- ptII/lib/ptolemy.jar and ptII/lib/ptolemy-doc.jar don't exist
- figure out how to make Eclipse compile jars (i'm too lazy)
- use ant to build jars
- Ant build ptolemy using Eclipse ant plugin fails:
- Window -> Preferences -> Ant -> Properties:
- Add Property...:
- Name: env.KEPLER
- Value: /home/tristan/dart/kepler
- Add Property...:
- Name: env.PTII
- Value: /home/tristan/dart/ptII
- Add ptII/lib/ptolemy*.jar to kepler -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries
- figure out how to make Eclipse compile jars (i'm too lazy)
- and have compile errors (however, ant builds them fine) The method getItemAt(int) is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getItems() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getItems() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getData() is undefined for the type DataCacheObject The method getData() is undefined for the type DataCacheObject The method getData() is undefined for the type DataCacheObject The method getSize() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getSize() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method saveCache() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getSize() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method removeItem(DataCacheObject) in the type DataCacheManager is not applicable for the arguments (int) The method removeItems(int[]) is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getSize() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method clear() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getItemAt(int) is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getSize() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getAttrs() is undefined for the type DataCacheObject The method getItemAt(int) is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method getLocalFileName() is undefined for the type DataCacheObject The method getSerialClassName() is undefined for the type DataCacheObject The method getSize() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The method saveCache() is undefined for the type DataCacheManager The declared package does not match the expected package org.kepler.scia
- dead in the water
As for now, it is simpler to just use eclipse to edit source files and use ant to compile. it works fine that way
Ptolemy II Fixes
> Errors and workarounds for Setting up Ptolemy II: > > 1. Project ptII is missing required library: >
> Properties for ptII -> Java Build Path -> Source -> ptII > -> Excluded -> Edit: > Exclusion patterns -> Add: ptolemy/domains/ptinyos/ > > Properties for ptII -> Java Build Path -> Libraries: > Remove nesc-dump.jarFixed. The problem here is that the developer who is working with Ptinyos does not use Eclipse, so the configure script was updated but not the Eclipse ptII/.classpath.default
What we really need is a way to run the nightly build using Eclipse in an automated fashion. I'm sure this can be done, I just have not looked in to it.
> 2. The method _createGraphPane(NamedObj) > in the type ActorGraphFrame is not applicable for the arguments > () > Properties for ptII -> Java Build Path -> Source -> ptII > -> Excluded -> Edit: > Exclusion patterns -> Add: jni/
This is fixed as well. The jni directory is somewhat obsolete and should probably go away. One of the primary ptolemy developers made some changes to Vergil and probably had the jni directory excluded. I fixed the code. jni remains in ptII/.classpath.default
The error was reported by the regular makefile based nightly build, it just took me a couple of days to get around to fix it.
> The ptII project now builds without errors.
Thanks for the feedback, let us know if you have other problems.