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Apache Axis 1.4, gSoap 2.7 InCompatability

Keywords: Axis, gsoap, exception, http, header, SOAPAction

If you have Axis throwing exception when receiving a Soap Envelope from gSoap, it is likely that the ' SOAPAction: "" ' is missing from the HTTP header. To fix this, find stdsoap2.cpp in the gSoap source and go to the soap_puthttphdr(...) function and add the header.


 soap->fposthdr(soap, "SOAPAction", "\"\"");


Tomcat and XML processing with JDK1.5


Cannot build the String representation of the XML DOM Document
javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl not found
        at javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)

If you get this error is probably because you are trying to do XML processing with the JDK1.5 inside tomcat. To overcome this you need to add xalan.jar and serializer.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar to tomcat_home/common/endorsed folder. Go here for detailed discussion.


Tomcat 5.5.* and JDK 1.4

Tomcat 5.5 is designed to work with JDK 1.5. In order to get it working with JDK 1.4 you need to install the compat plugin for that version of tomcat.


Web Service Galore

Today I put together a simple Webservice using Apache Axis as the SOAP server. After diving through documentation I also realised that Apache has a new version of Axis, named Axis2. Tomorrow i will do some more research into this new version and move across to it. Today I also discussed the new Data Manager architecture using Kepler with Tristan. The solution we are goin to implement is creating a Java Bean with the data collected from the Instrument Rep via SOAP, then pass the serialized form of the bean to a Kepler actor which is acting as a Listener/Server which will initiate the storage process once the Bean has been recieved. | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024