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Serial port connection

by Gilles Gigan last modified 2008-10-01 11:34

This page explains how to connect to the various serial ports available on gumstix verdex xl6p and 4-bt

Gumstix platforms cant connect to serial ports directly, because they deliver TTL signal incompatible with serial standards. They need to go through a TTL converter (level shifter)

3-port level shifter

This page details some device that can be used as serial adapters.

The following schematics shows a simple 3-port shifter built around a SN7404N 6-gate inverter IC. No other components required !!
However, it doesnt deal with any other pins than Rx, Tx and GND (RTS,CTS, ... must be dealt with properly)

3-port level shifter

Original image

Verdex XL6P

There are 3 serial ports available on verdex motherboards:

FFUART (ttyS0) (RxD, TxD, RTS, CTS)

BTUART (ttyS1) (RxD, TxD, RTS, CTS)

STUART (ttyS2) (RxD, TxD)

see this page for more info on UART. No HWUART are available on verdex.

On the GPSstix board, the STUART is used by the GPS receiver module and nothing else should be connected to the STUART. The only serial port left is BTUART. On r1711 of this board however, the exposed BTUART pins are NOT connected to the BTUART pins of the processor (see board schematics here). Instead, the BTUART signals are routed to the HWUART pins, even though the Verdex mother board does NOT have a HWUART.

Verdex XM4-bt

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