SRB Server
Note: This is the print view with all the Reference Manual pages on one page. The paginated version is available here, if you prefer that.
docs about SRB server actor
1. About
information about the SRB Server actor
The SRB Server actor is used to initiate connections to SRB servers for other actors to use.
Any workflow in kepler which needs access to an SRB server needs an instance of the SRB server actor.
Each workflow can use multiple SRB Server's using an id value which can be assigned to each SRB actor to tell it which SRB Server to use.
2. Parameters
description of all the parameters availiable on the SRB Server actor
name | type | description |
srbHost | string | The IP address or DNS address of the SRB server which you wish to connect to. |
srbPort | string | The port number that the SRB server is running on. |
srbUserName | string | The username used to connect to the SRB server. |
srbPasswd | string | The password needed to connect to the SRB server. Note that this is stored in plain text. |
srbHomeCollection | string | The full path to the home collection to start in. |
srbMdasDomainHome | string | The name of the domain home. |
srbDefaultResource | string | The name of the default resource. |
most of this information can be found in the file:
3. Usage Notes
Some usage notes about this actor