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Directory Poller

RSS Feed Category: Kepler Actors — Other products by this author
DirectoryPoller is an actor which watches a specified directory.

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Project Description

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The Directory Poller actor watches a specified directory for new and modified files.

When new or modified files are found in the directory, for each file found a StringToken (containing the file's full path name) is sent onto the output port.

There is also a SRB Directory Poller (see Kepler SRB Actors) which preforms the same task on an SRB filesystem and uses the Jargon API's equivalents to the standard java API for file access.

How it works


Sometimes files that are still being written to the filesystem can be detected before they finish writing. This is the reason why files must have been unmodified for at least 5 seconds before we count it as a new or modified file.

Unforutunatly this isn't a fool proof solution. There may be problems when high latency networks are being used to transfer files and other similar situations, especially when using the SRB Directory Poller. | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024