Up to Table of ContentsFrequently Asked Questions
The edit with kupu link doesn't appear at the bottom of the page?
The kupu button doesn't appear at the bottom of the page for new users. Just go into your personal preferences, reselect kupu and click save to enable it. After that the edit with kupu link will apear
Where do i get icons for the topics from?
Where do i get icons for the additional topics add to my weblog?
If you navigate to home then press the contents view you will see some hidden folders one is called "images" it conatins some logos and topic icons. Please add more if you resize them for youself. There is also a public domain clipar site http://www.pcbypaul.com/wpclipart/map.html
Why does the RSS feed from my weblog contain everyones weblogs items?
Why does the RSS feed from my weblog contain everyones weblogs items?
The reason is that most object in plone support syndication unfortunately some take presidence ofver others in the page, the actual filtered feed is located by appending feeds.rdf to the URL.
Why arn't my weblog items apearing on the Blog
Weblog items arn't apearing on the Blog after i save them.
For the blog items to appear in the weblog they must be published. Immediately after you save an entry you ave returned to the completed entry, from here the state can be changed to 'published'. Previously unpublished entrys are stored under the drafts tab.