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Plone 2.5 is coming!

Plone 2.5 is a release with a significant focus on improved infrastructure.  Although many of the changes are behind-the-scenes, this upgrade should make it easier to use Plone.

As always, if you encounter any difficulties using Plone please email

When:  10 February, 2007

What:  Upgrade to the Plone application

Notable features:
•    Drag and drop ordering of folder contents
Items within a folder can be dragged and dropped to make file organisation easier

•    Improved authentication services
Makes it easier to integrate many kinds of authentication schemes with Plone. 

•    New caching infrastructure
Improved page load speeds, up to 10 – 40 times faster

•    Resource compression
Files are compressed before they are downloaded, resulting in faster page loads

•    Improved workflows
Workflows can be made "smart" so that the system can apply a different workflow based on location in the site, rather than by file type | DART Project Office, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia; Telephone +61 3 9905 4187; Facsimile +61 3 9905 3024